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Heavenly California Lodge parking area
Look for the Tahoe (Sno)Burners Flag!!!
Tailgating BBQ Party: The Tahoe Regionals will bring a grill to cook, heat and help you eat all your grillables.
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SnoBurner Parades (On and off the slopes)
HuMaN SLaLoM (noonish)
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ART, Singing, Dancing, Magic, Juggling, Laughing Uncontrollably, and Other Performance Recommended! (Bring It!)
T-Bone is bringing a mini version of his incredible artifacts museum!
Rick from Bearfootcreations.com will demonstrate fractal art!
Remember to Bring:
*) Fun Friends and Family
*) Your wildest SnoBurner Playa Costumes
*) Chairs, Coolers, Shade
*) Grillables, Munchies, Beverages – (to share)
*) Tunes (We need DJ gear, speakers, playlists, etc.)
*) Sno gear and pass
No pass, no worries, everyone can come to the tailgate party!
(or hit your buddies up for a buddy pass.)
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